1.  A sign warned that pickpockets were active in the station.

2.  Allen, who is still on the board, is no longer active in the day-to-day management of the company.

3.  Although Fenton was active in research he made no great discoveries.

4.  Ann is very active in local politics.

5.  As a public man and staunch Congregationalist he was active in social reform, notably in promoting total abstinence.

6.  Bedwas and District Conservation Society in Gwent have been active in improving open spaces around their town.

7.  Consider a consumer who is currently active in the information search and deliberation process for a new automobile.

8.  For this reason, trade unions might be active in cooperative efforts with management to achieve growth through greater efficiency.

9.  He has also been active in jazz education, taking workshops and giving lectures and recitals in schools and colleges.

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